Wheelchair mode: Google Maps will show Accessible Places

Wheelchair mode: Google Maps will show Accessible Places


Image: a woman on mobility scooter trying to drive through a fence on a park path


On May 21, the Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Google announced the introduction of new features on Google Maps. Accessible Places mode will show information about the accessibility of places for “those of us using wheelchairs and parents pushing strollers to older adults with tired legs and people hauling heavy items”. First of all, the new feature is starting to rollout for Google Maps users in Australia, Japan, the UK and the USA, and then other countries will be added. 


“When Accessible Places is switched on, a wheelchair icon will indicate an accessible entrance and you’ll be able to see if a place has accessible seating, restrooms or parking. If it’s confirmed that a place does not have an accessible entrance, we’ll show that information on Maps as well” – the company says in the statement

Google Maps currently provides wheelchair access information for more than 15 million places around the world.