Three cities for accessible tourism in 2019

Three cities for accessible tourism in 2019

Image: relief of the houses


At the end of September, the competitive selection among European cities for the title of the European Capital of Smart Tourism was completed.
Smart tourism is a new concept that implies the development of new products and services, equal opportunities and accessibility of tourist infrastructure for all, digitalization (introduction of new technologies) and support for cultural heritage and creativity. Thus, applicants must meet a number of criteria, among which one of the most important is an accessible environment for residents and guests of the city.

The competition was attended by 38 cities from 19 EU countries. By decision of the jury, the two cities were recognized as European Capital of Smart Tourism in 2019 - Helsinki (Finland) and Lyon (France).

Image: Helsiknki panorama view
Helsinki - European Capital of Smart Tourism in 2019


Image: big sculpture of a lion
Lyon, France, is a second winner of the contest


Image: Malaga panorama view
Malaga, Spain, is awarded for achievements in building the accessible environment 

Four further cities were announced as the winners in the specific categories: Accessibility (Málaga, Spain), Sustainability (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Digitalisation (Copenhagen, Denmark) and Cultural Heritage & Creativity (Linz, Austria).  These four cities will be recognized with the European Smart Tourism Awards.