Robots will help low-mobility spectators of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games

Robots will help low-mobility spectators of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games



Image: white robots, woman in a wheelchair, technology
Tokyo 2020 shows Games robots (Source)

Spectators and sports fans, who will come to Japan for the Summer Olympic Games in 2020, are awaiting not only the excitement of the competition, but also a demonstration of the achievements of high technology. On March 15, a press conference was held in Tokyo, where journalists were presented with robot assistants for wheelchair participants and spectators of the Games created by one of the main sponsors of the Olympics, Toyota Motor Corp.

As planned by the organizers of the Olympics, these robots will help people with limited mobility to the National Olympic Stadium: bring food and different things, guide viewers to places and provide information about events. “We will help people at the Olympic Games and at the stadium in areas accessible to wheelchairs,” said Minoru Yamauchi, who oversees the robots’ program at Toyota.

And robots from another high-tech sponsor of the Games, Panasonic, will help carry luggage and lift other heavy objects at Olympic and Paralympic venues, as well as in the athlete’s village.

“The Human Support Robot and Delivery Support Robot developed by Toyota Motor Corporation will allow all spectators to enjoy watching the Tokyo 2020 Games in greater comfort. - noted in a statement on the official website of the Olympics. - The project is expected to showcase their potential for wider application in everyday life. 

Hirohisa Hirukawa, leader of the Tokyo 2020 Robot Project, commented, “The Tokyo 2020 Games are a unique opportunity for us to display Japanese robot technology. This project will not simply be about exhibiting robots, but also about showcasing their practical real-life deployment helping people. So there will be not only sports at the Tokyo 2020 Games, but also some cool robots at work to look forward to as well.”

Image: white robot stands
Tokyo 2020 Games will demonstrate not only sport, but also  some cool robots (Source)